Work packages
In order to accomplish the project objectives, the work plan consists of 8 work packages (WPs).
WP1 defines activities focused on developing a long-term strategy for scientific excellence, identifying and connecting with stakeholders, developing early-stage researchers, improving educational capacity and tracing a path for the commercialization of knowledge with the aim of establishing the base for sustainable research excellence at FEEUNI.
WP2 includes activities to establish and strengthen links between FEEUNI and all identified target groups, thus forming a strong and large network. The activities planned within WP3 involve the knowledge transfer mainly from the advanced partners to FEEUNI and the exchange of best practice and experiences with the aim of significantly improving FEEUNI’s capacity for excellence in bringing AI to the Edge. AIDA4Edge is strengthening research management capacity and administrative skills of FEEUNI staff by implementing activities from WP4, i.e. organizing comprehensive trainings on transferable skills, focusing on project research management and proposal writing and setting up the Research management and Administrative Unit. By carrying out activities from WP5 the joint research focused on developing an adaptive AI-enabled edge computing pipeline brings AI applications to Edge devices with resource constraints in terms of memory, processing power, energy consumption and latency. Planning and implementation of a comprehensive set of dissemination, exploitation and communication activities from WP6 ensures continuous and systematic promotion of project activities and exploitation of project results during the project and after its completion. All WPs are managed by WP7 through comprehensive coordination of all project activities to ensure effective, timely and high-quality project execution, while WP8 ensures that the ethical standards and guidelines of the Horizon Europe research and innovation programme are met.

Established framework for research within WP1, stable networking between partners in WP2, scientific knowledge gained through how-know transfer in WP3 and research management knowledge gained through trainings in WP4 will support research in WP5. Also, the achieved results and gained knowledge in WP5 will contribute to the enhancement of sustainable research in WP1, strategic networking in WP2, scientific capacity in WP3 and management capacity and administration skills in WP4. Actually, AIDA4Edge starts by establishing a framework for sustainable research in WP1 and continues its realization through a strong synergy of all mutually dependent activities from WPs, monitored through WP7, whereby the achieved project results represent inputs for dissemination, exploitation and communication activities in WP6. This mutual connection and dependence of WPs are illustrated by means of the Pert chart.
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